Click on the puzzle-shaped icon at the top right of your chrome window and press the pin corresponding to Easy Comments-GPT.
3. Login at
If you don’t have an account see this section. Otherwise enter your login and password and click on “Login”.
4. Access to OpenAI platform
Now you have need to get OpenAI API Key for connect the extension to ChatGPT 3.5. If you don’t have an account create it. In a first time create an account or log in.
You need to add a payment method and add $5 credit (minimum), otherwise OpenAi will not allow you to use its API. Don’t worry, you have $18 of free credit each month and this will allow you to use Easy Comments-GPT intensively without adding credit.
Add your payment information and click on continue
Enter 5 in the field and click on continue
Confirm the payment
6. Create a new key for Easy Comments-GPT
Go to USER / API Keys section and click on “Create new secret key” and choose a name for exemple Easy Comments-GPT.
7. Copy generated key
Copy the generated key in and set it aside so you can paste it later.
8. Paste in the next step of Easy Comments-GPT configuration
Reopen your Easy Comments-GPT extension and paste your OpenAI key in the input. Click on “Check and save my key”.
ℹ️ If doesn’t work please check in your billing informationon OpenAi if your payment method is added.
9. Ready to play !
Your extension are now ready to work ! You can use it ! 🚀
⚙️ How configure it ?
1. Go to advanced settings
Click on extension icon on the top right of your window and on the popup click on “Advanced settings”.
2. Setup your general settings
You can add general settings for better customization of your comments.
Your name: Just enter your name or your complete name (ex: John Doe). It’s just for better context for ChatGPT.
Your gender: Select your gender Man or Women for better context and and for more relevant answers.
Your language: Without this context sometimes ChatGPT switch language.
Your job or expertise: If your are developper or doctor your comments on a specific subject are not the same.
Custom description: Add more of context about you.
Your API Key: Just if you want to change your OpenAI API Key, you can it here.
3. Setup your LinkedIn settings
LinkedIn settings :
Custom prompt emoji: Select an emoji for your prompt shortcut.
Custom prompt label: The label you can see when hovering over a custom prompt.
Custom prompt: Write a custom prompt to add an emotion or a message when you click on this custom prompt.
Custom prompt visibility: You can show or hide custom prompt.
Your style for LinkedIn: You can select your general writing style on LinkedIn.
Emojis: Choose if you use emoji in your comments or no.
Number of word for each propositions: You can tell OpenAI how many words you want in the proposals (it doesn’t always work).
Number of comments propositions: You can tell OpenAI how many of propositions you want (it doesn’t always work).
Custom instructions: You can add custom instruction for LinkedIn comments.
Reset default settings: If you want you can reset all settings to default value.
💬 How use it ?
Comment with Shortcut 🚀
When hovering over the Easy Comments-GPT logo in the comment input, you can access shortcuts to skip one of the custom prompts that you have set in your advanced settings.
When you click on a shortcut, you will have a small loading, then a list of comments will be offered to you, choose the one you like the most and click on publish.
Auto comments
You can choose to click directly on the logo and let Easy Comments-GPT do the rest. Choose the most relevant answer for you and publish 😎.